Front of the widget:
  1. This is your AdSense earnings accumulated since the last payment
  2. By default this is your daily AdSense earnings, anyway you can change this field: just click on the text field below the value and you can select from the popup menu wether you want to display today earnings, yesterday earnings, last 7 days earnings, your average daily earnings and your highest daily earnings (all of which are calculated fromt the last payment date), as well as other statistics on clicks and ctr
  3. Click here to force update the data (note that after an update you have to wait 15 minutes before a further update)
  4. If this icon appears, it means that there was an error getting the data from the server
  5. The rotating gear shows whil the widget is gathering data from the server
  6. Click here to go to the back of the widget for entering your AdSense credentials
  7. This is the update badge: it appears when a new version of the widget is available for download: click it to get the updated version
Back of the widget:
  1. Enter here your AdSense credentials
  2. Click here to make a small donation of you find this widget useful to you
This widget is © Paolo Grifantini (contact: Click here to send mail) and is licensed under a
Creative Commons License
I deny any responsibility in problems related to the malfunctioning of this software.